Friday, June 13, 2008


In his book Glory Road Heinlein had one of his characters admit to an addiction that was harder to shake than drugs: reading. This might seem odd to some people, but most of my family is composed of people who get the shakes if they enter a room without a bookcase. In the past couple of years I have dramatically reduced my reading due to kids, work, life, etc. I still enjoy a good book (or a trashy space opera) so I am presenting my top ten fiction authors in no particular order. Please note that this is a current list, it most likely would have been different last week and will surely change by next week.

  1. Glen Cook

  2. James Michener

  3. Terry Pratchett

  4. John Ringo

  5. Thorne Smith

  6. James Clavell

  7. Sharon Lee and Steve Miller (husband and wife team)

  8. Carl Hiaasen

  9. Lawerence Block

  10. Robert Aspirin

I have no idea why anybody would be interested in this list, but there it is.


Joel and Leslie said...

I am kinda wondering what a "trashy space opera" is....maybe I don't want to know, but then again you said you blog was rated G, so I'm holding you to that!

10 points

Jenn said...

It is ok Leslie, I as his wife had the same question? Only you babe!!

Anonymous said...

I don't like opera. Period. Trashy space only adds to my dislike. Sounds...interesting. LOL