Saturday, June 14, 2008

What did you say?

When I am in the bathroom in the morning getting ready for the day I tend to talk to myself. It is basically just a rambling stream of words that comes out with even less of a filter than I typically have. I don't even pay attention to what I am saying, and even if you asked what I had said nine times out of ten I wouldn't be able to tell you after ten seconds. This can occasionally lead to problems if Jennifer happens to "hear" what I am saying (I put hear in parentheses because the words all come out in this sub vocalized gibberish).
Last week I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth while Jennifer was taking her shower. I proceeded to give my typically morning series of random words while I put toothpaste on my toothbrush and turned it on (it is one of those oscillating ones). All of a sudden Jennifer pokes her head out of the shower and demands to know what I just said. Luckily she caught me in the first ten seconds so the words were still in my short term memory. I had said "I need a nap." I wasn't quite awake yet and was wishing for a few more minutes in the land of Nod. Jennifer said okay and went back to her shower, but I knew that based on her reaction I really needed to know what she thought I had said. She laughed and said "I heard 'I need a blonde.'"
For the next several days I managed to say or IM to Jennifer at least once a day that "I need a blonde". I encourage all of the married guys out there to do the same with whatever hair color would be inappropriate. It almost always earns a laugh and a punch.


Joel and Leslie said...

I need a red head.

Jed said...

Nice! Of course, if this is Joel, since you are commenting on a redhead's blog you need to specify a female redhead. If this is Leslie, Jennifer told me early in our relationship that all such negotiations need to go thru her.