Monday, November 17, 2008

First Option

The first possibility is scrubs.

Nope, not the tv show. The clothing popularized by nurses.

Essentially they are pajamas that thru repeated wear have become acceptable clothing in a healthcare office. Originally they were designed for jobs were you could expect to move a lot and get dirty. They are made so they can be changed and cleaned easily. You commonly see them worn by nurses, opticians, dental assistants, patient runners, physical therapists and front desk personnel. They fit the criteria for cleaning and they would be acceptable in a doctor's office, so this choice is definitely in the running. The negatives that I see are: it is winter time and scrubs are very thin. This means either Jennifer freezes or I crank up the heater increasing my utility bill and making me sweat like a Mormon at a Prop 8 rally. Also I personally don't think they are that attractive.

Apparently they also make scrub dresses. This does add another dimension of interest to the decision.

1 comment:

Littau family said...

All I can say is..."poor poor jenn! Do you know what you got yourself into?"